Do you want to invest in a company in Suriname?
DISCOVER SURINAME is the investment and trade promotion program of Suriname. Discover Suriname focuses on increasing foreign direct investments in local producers and suppliers in Suriname. Here you can find out how you, as an investor, can invest in a startup or local company in Suriname.
Why Suriname?
Did you know that Suriname is the place to be to invest in many different industries?
This because there are a lot of unused agricultural areas where full scale and sustainable production for pineapple, coconut, cassava and citrus fruits easily can be started up.
And not only in the agri sector or in the food sector, but also in many other areas like high tech and tourism there are many opportunities, as long as you keep your company and business model focused on sustainability.
Suriname has decided that 93% of the country will stay a forest, untouched by human activity. 7% of the country may be used for sustainable industries.
As a reference: The island of Java in Indonesia is almost as big as Suriname. Java has 140 million inhabitants, Suriname has only 600.000. Java has a GDP of 500 billion USD (50% of the GDP of Indonesia) and Suriname only 3.5 billion USD. This all shows Suriname has room for growth.
So if you want to invest in a young small production company to startup export to Brazil, the US or EU, you have everything you need in Suriname.
Changing From Agriculture to Agribusiness
Suriname has the long term vision of becoming the main exporter in Caricom for fruits, vegetables and meat.
And for this to happen investors are needed to help both LMEs and SMEs grow and enable startups to start. We need to enrich farms with business principles.
Various small companies that are out there, currently are looking for funding to grow, innovate and to work more efficient.
If you, for instance, are looking to invest in cassava and biodegradable cassava bags, we have companies available, you can start with tomorrow.
Below you see pictures of a small cassava plant in Suriname, near the airport and the harbor. It is an example of an SME like many others in Suriname looking for growth funding to enable the many export opportunities.

The main crops in Suriname are rice, sugar, plantains and bananas, citrus fruits, coffee, coconuts, and palm oil, in addition to staple food crops. With the exception of rice, the main export crop, plantation agriculture has suffered the consequences of absentee ownership. Rice production was 180,000 tons in 1999. Sugar production dropped so substantially in the 1980s that imports were required to meet local demand. Under union pressure, the government in early 1987 agreed to a national sugar plan to improve machinery and housing and to create employment. Production of sugar cane in 1999 was 90,000 tons; of bananas, 55,000 tons; of plantains, 13,000 tons; of oranges, 12,000 tons; and of coconuts, 9,000 tons.
Since its creation in 1945, the Commission for the Application of Mechanized Techniques to Agriculture in Suriname has worked to reactivate several old plantations and bring new land under cultivation. The successful control of diseases and pests, introduction of water storage and irrigation schemes, and the development of new quick-growing varieties of rice have also increased total agricultural production.
Infrastructure and Logistics
Suriname has one large seaport and one large airport and no direct highways to Brazil (yet). So the coming years Suriname looks to build many roads, railroads and bridges more.
Near Suriname (1500km - 2000 km) there are several cities in Brazil with over 2 million people that can be reached for export. The city of Bogota in Columbia is only 4000 km away and has 9 million people.
So because of its location on top of Brazil, there is a large amount of transport and logistics business opportunities waiting to be realized.
Agritech Valley in Coronie
In November an Agritech valley will be started up in the Coronie district, giving Surinamese students and foreign entrepreneurs and investors the great opportunity to start up any agritech company they want (as long as it is sustainable).
In 2018 the Suriname government restored roads in the Coronie district, unlocking the potential for that area.
It is now possible to start an Agritech valley in Coronie because all infrastructure is now available: roads, electricity, cell phone coverage, wifi internet, canals, access to a sea harbor and a small airport. And all this in the middle of a rainforest. Please note that everything grows already by itself. The soil is very fertile and every day the temperature is between 25℃ and 32℃ (77F- 90F).
Vertical Farming, Seed Advancement, Crop Yield increasement. For any topic, investors are invited to come and visit this new incubator and get a presentation at the expo on the valley by the young entrepreneurs.
Suriname is committed to preserving the Amazon for future generations.
This gives room for many opportunities in Ecotourism. To name a few facilities: currently in Suriname there are only two major hotels, one small national Zoo and no big national indoor swimming pool and no theme park.
In Suriname there are opportunities for electric cars, taxis, green buses, exciting hiking trails, eco lodges just outside Paramaribo, expo companies, eco theme parks, and much and much more.
If you are an investor in the area of tourism and hospitality you will have unlimited possibilities.
For instance, you can provide holidays to areas that are and will be without any modern western facilities or commerce. The only thing you can eat, drink or do, comes directly from nature.
Renewable Energy
As part of the green policies in Suriname, we are looking to promote the usage of solar panels, wind energy and water energy.
Innovative startups are welcomed very much for that in Suriname.
This picture shows an example of an offshore wind energy farm. Suriname has opportunities to invest in wind energy. For more information, contact FDI BIBIS or the embassy in Brussels.
High Tech and Clean Tech
We invite investors to startup incubators and accelerators for high tech and cleantech. With Suriname positioned at the top of South America, and having Brazil and other big countries as close neighbors, the production and export opportunities for high tech and clean tech are enormous.
Did you know that Suriname is one of the best places on earth to launch rockets and satellites? (read more about this on the About Suriname page)
Suriname has a large territory on the sea. So there is an opportunity to launch nano climate satellites to measure the ocean's climate in detail. And there are countless of fish industry opportunities.
Suriname currently has no high tech industry, cleantech or aerospace industry. If you are an investor in this area, we are happy to inform about the specific start ups and opportunities available.
More Business Opportunities
Suriname has more business opportunities for investment than can be listed. But to give you an idea, we have an example list here.
Business Opportunities
Foreign Direct Investments
For foreign investors, there are hardly limitations on what they can do.
It is important to know for the business or company you want to invest in, whether it needs certain licenses or permits or whether it needs a certain minimum amount of employees from Suriname.
This all can be made clear by visiting Suriname for a fact-finding mission and/or contacting the Department of Trade.
For more information on this, contact us via the contact details on this page, or contact FDI BIBIS or the Department of Trade directly:
Santander Trade about investing in Suriname
Nordea Trade about investing in Suriname
NewEuropeanEconomy: Suriname is ideal for Foreign Direct Investment
Important Contacts for Investors
Investors who consider investing in Suriname are required to send a signed letter to FDI BIBIS with their clear intentions and objectives. Next, a due dilligence will be undertaken.
The official governmental institute for investments in Suriname
Henck Arronstraat 8
Paramaribo, Suriname
+597 431 320
Department of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation