Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (Ministerie van LVV)
Letitia Vriesdelaan 8-10
Paramaribo, Suriname
+597 479112
The Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in Suriname is responsible for:
- the policy with regard to agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing and beekeeping;
- supervising the correct use for land and waters issued for the agricultural sector;
- research and information in the sectors mentioned under a;
- the determination of the need for and distribution of goods and services, in the sectors mentioned under a;
- matters relating to the production, storage, processing and marketing of products produced in the sectors mentioned under a, where necessary in an interdepartmental context;
- the prevention and control of animal and plant diseases and pests;
- the establishment of quality standards for and the exercise of quality control on products from the sectors mentioned under a;
- the investment and credit policy of the sectors mentioned under a, in cooperation with the relevant ministries;
- promoting, coordinating, regulating and controlling cooperatives and other organizations in the sectors mentioned under a, where necessary interdepartmental relationship;
- checking compliance with the legislation concerning the sectors mentioned under a, where necessary in an interdepartmental context;
- aquaculture and the agro-industry;
- the promotion of production in the sectors mentioned under a for the food supply and export;
- the effective management of national fishing capacities and the rational exploitation of fish resources, as well as the monitoring of compliance with legal provisions protecting fish resources.
Government website of LVV