Training: Entrepreneurship and Business Plan


Together with external organizations, the Department of Trade, Industry and Tourism (HI & T) provides a training in 'Entrepreneurship and Business Plan'.

The Department HI & T provides training to starting and restarting entrepreneurs with the aim of providing this group with knowledge for a professional approach to their business and writing a business plan.

The Department HI & T does this at the request of organizations that want to provide the training to its members or stakeholders.

The apporach is as follows:

The organization comes in with:

  • The training material
  • The consumption
  • Writing materials
  • A fee of SRD 250 per part (33 USD) (there are a total of 3 parts, namely principles of entrepreneurship, Business Model Canvas and Financial administration incl. Cost price calculation)

The Department HI & T is provides the following:

  • the trainers
  • the training program
  • the certificates
  • optionally the training room

Training content and Trainers fee:

The training consists of 3 parts as mentioned earlier:

  • 1. Fundamental principles of Entrepreneurship and writing a business plan
  • 2. Business Model Canvas
  • 3. Financial Administration, Financial statements and cost price calculation

All 3 parts are explained theoretically and performed in groups.

The trainers fee is set at SRD 750 in total (100 USD), SRD 250 per part.


  • Send a list of participants 1 week in advance, for the benefit of the certificates (record names of participants accurately. Mistakes made in names are the responsibility of the organization
  • The maximum number of participants is set at 25

For more information or appointments you can call +597 821 6674 / +597 402 080 extension 1046 or send an email to